Hosting ASIC miners in the Czech Republic and Europe
The best hosting ASIC they mine without obligations and with a guarantee in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Europe.
We provide housing for ASIC miners with a favorable electricity price and warranty. When you put on housing or buy ASIC miners for housing, you don't have to worry about maintenance and maintenance, setup, service and complaints. We can provide all this without your additional time investment.
Payment for housing consists of a lump sum for rent ASIC miner and from payment for consumed electricity. This amount is always paid in advance.
At housing, we do not take any percentage or other hidden fees from mined cryptocurrencies. All that ASIC the miner will mine, it belongs only to you.
Location of Housing
Housing in the Czech Republic
Housing in the Czech Republic - 1 hour from Prague
Location: | Ústí Region, Czech Republic |
Price per KW: | 3,2 CZK without WAT |
Price for housing ASICu: | 0 CZK per month, includes service, support |
Price for installation ASICu: | CZK 0 - free |
advantages: | Guaranteed housing directly in our data center PcPraha Kentin. Physical accessibility to miners. You do not pay for electricity in advance, but only after it is billed. |
Disadvantages: | Limited capacity |
The best housing for: | ICERIVER miners, Jasmine miners |
Free capacity: | 800 KW |
Time needed to install ASICu: | within 48 hours - installation is fast. |
Note: | This housing is with fine binding. It serves customers who want to be sure that no one will steal their machines and who will want to go and see them. You pay nothing in advance. The Czech Republic is the most stable country in Europe with the best enforcement of law for Czechs. |
Housing in Prague
Location: | Prague, Czech Republic |
Price per KW: | 6 CZK without VAT |
Price for housing ASICu: | 1000 CZK per month, includes service, support |
Price for installation ASICu: | CZK 0 - free |
advantages: | Guaranteed housing directly in our store data center PcPraha. Physical accessibility to miners. You do not pay for electricity in advance, but only after it is billed |
Disadvantages: | Higher price of electricity |
The best housing for: | ICERIVER miners, Jasmine miners |
Free capacity: | 200 KW |
Time needed to install ASICu: | within 12 hours - installation is immediate. |
Note: | This housing is non-binding, it is also available for customers who already ASIC the miner has been purchased but not picked up yet. You pay nothing in advance. |
Location: | Alta, Norway |
Price per KW: | 2.69 CZK without WAT |
Price for housing ASICu: | 0 – free |
Price for installation ASICu: | CZK 1290 per KW includes import and import duty, installation and service |
advantages: | Safe country, low ambient temperature, no problem with cooling, no problem with air humidity, lower failure rate of machines, low price of electricity, no monthly fees |
Disadvantages: | Entrance fees, polar night - it's dark all day |
The best housing for: | Bitmain ICERIVER, Kaspa miners, Antminer L7, whats miner M50 |
Free capacity: | 6 KW |
Time needed to install ASICu: | 14 days |
Note: | Commitment one year. Prepayment for electricity quarterly. |
Housing Paraguay
Location: | Villarica, Paraguay |
Price per KW: | 1.94 CZK without WAT |
Price for housing ASICu: | 0 – free |
Price for installation ASICu: | CZK 4800 per KW includes import and import duty, installation and service |
advantages: | Low electricity price, no monthly fees |
Disadvantages: | Input costs, Air humidity, distance from Europe |
The best housing for: | Bitmain Antminer s19, whats miner M50 |
Free capacity: | 4 KW |
Time needed to install ASICu: | 14 days |
Note: | Commitment one year. Prepayment for electricity quarterly. |
Housing Paraguay
Location: | Dubai, Dubai |
Price per KW: | 1.9 CZK without WAT |
Price for housing ASICu: | 0 – free |
Price for installation ASICu: | CZK 5800 per KW also includes importation and import duty, as well as installation and service |
advantages: | Extremely low price of electricity, no monthly fees, relatively stable political situation of the country. |
Disadvantages: | Entry costs, Distance from Europe |
The best housing for: | Bitmain Antminer s19, whats miner M50 |
Free capacity: | 2 KW |
Time needed to install ASICu: | 10 days |
Note: | Commitment one year. Prepayment for electricity quarterly. |