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FPS calculation methodology

How can I evaluate the performance of a gaming computer? A computer can be equipped with the fastest processor, capable of producing billions of operations per second, RAM working at transcendental frequencies, a graphics card that supports all the latest technologies, but only the coordinated work of all these components can provide truly smooth and exciting gaming. Therefore, the most important indicator of computer performance in games is average number of frames per second (frames per second or FPS) in modern games.

However, each game requires a different amount of resources to render a single frame, so the number of frames a computer can display per unit of time will vary for each game. In addition, FPS is significantly affected by such factors as screen resolution (the larger it is, the more work the GPU has to do) and the graphics settings in the game itself (rendering photorealistic effects in the latest games is very resource-intensive).

Thus, after selecting the necessary requirements, it is possible to evaluate the level of performance of a new computer for modern games, and most importantly, to observe how the game performance changes depending on the configuration of the computer.

However, remember that the given FPS values ​​are only average values, which may vary depending on specific game scenes and installed driver versions.

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