Mining and computers at the best prices in Europe
Address: Opletalova 20, Prague 1
Mobilephone: + 420 792 480 835

Delivery of a gaming computer (PC) to Brno

Your new computer PCPRAHA we can deliver directly to your home in Brno. The approximate cost of delivering a gaming computer to the city of Brno is CZK 99. This amount includes the safe packaging of the computer, insurance for the full cost of the shipment and the cost of delivering the package to your address.

As delivery costs are highly dependent on the weight and dimensions of the package, delivery costs for each order are calculated individually. The final cost may vary in higher directions. The given figure is an average for the computers of the series Gaming PC from 30 CZK, provided that the order contains only the system unit as standard without other peripherals.

Free transport

When purchasing over CZK 70

Easy 14 day returns

14 day money back guarantee

International warranty

Standard Warranty duration 2 years

Secure payment

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa

Select your currency
CZK Czech crown
EUR Euro